Items That Should Be Stored With a Defibrillator

AEDs are potentially lifesaving devices that deliver an electrical shock to cardiac arrest victims. They don't work all the time, but by the very nature of their function and use, they can make the difference between someone living and dying.

However, AEDs must be stored with the proper equipment. Here is a basic rundown of what should go with your AED. 

1. A CPR Face Shield

A CPR face shield is essential for protecting the first responder from any blood or bodily fluids that may fly up when the AED is used. You don't want to risk exposure to any possible contaminants or diseases.

For instance, say a bystander has to use the AED on a victim. The victim's blood and possibly other bodily fluids will be splattered on the person administering the shock. This will protect them from possible infectious diseases.

2. Scissors/Shears

The defibrillator pads must be put to bare skin, not clothing. It can be difficult and time-consuming to remove garments from an unconscious victim (a "dead weight"). Special 'tough cut' scissors can expedite and save time on this task.

3. Paperwork

Every time a defibrillator is used on a patient, many nations/organisations require that specific documentation be filled out. With the defibrillator, the necessary papers should be kept. 

4. A Towel

A defibrillator shocks the victim with electricity. So, if there is water on the chest, the shock won't work because the electricity will go through the water instead of the chest, where there is less resistance.

You can use a towel to dry off any extra water.

5. Disposable Gloves

While AEDs are sterile, it is still not advised that you touch the pads with your hands. There have been cases where the pads have been contaminated and caused infections. But if you must use your hands to touch something, it would be better to wear gloves.

This is to protect you and the victim from diseases. This could include cuts or scratches on the person using the AED or the victim. It is also a precautionary measure if the person using the AED happens to touch the victim's bodily fluids, which could be transmitted to them.

6. Spare Defibrillator Pads

These are very important. Have enough on hand, as they're critical to the AED. The pads are the heart of the AED. Without it, your AED is useless. It would be best to have these on hand because when using an AED on a victim, there are risks that the pads won't function correctly, so having backup pads are essential.

Your AED will come with disposable electrode pads. While these are not very expensive, it's good to have a few extra ones. Spare pads will also be needed if the current pads are tainted.


You must have a proper supply of AED supplies on hand. It's important to know that an AED is not a magic instrument, and it does not work all the time. But if a victim is in cardiac arrest, every second that passes by is critical.

The AEDs will significantly increase the chance of survival for the victim, meaning the difference between life and death.

If you are looking for an AED supply store, Restart the Heart is the best place for you. We are a reputable Australian supplier of defibrillators. We provide you with fast shipping and outstanding customer service. Purchase online today!