Choosing and Maintaining the Right Pads and Batteries for Optimal Cardiac Safety

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have become a vital tool in the fight against Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), empowering bystanders to intervene and save lives. An often-overlooked aspect of operating an AED effectively is understanding and managing its accessories - specifically the electrode pads and batteries. These components play a critical role in successfully delivering life-saving therapy and should be maintained with the same vigilance as the AED itself.

In this informative guide, we will delve into the world of AED accessories, focusing on selecting the right pads and batteries suited to your needs and their proper maintenance and storage. By bringing these essential components to the forefront, we aim to assist AED users in maintaining their devices in the best possible condition and, ultimately, ensuring maximum effectiveness during emergencies.

Choosing the appropriate AED pads and batteries can be daunting, especially when considering compatibility with specific AED models, pad type, and battery lifespan. With this article, we simplify the process by providing clear guidelines and recommendations to make informed, confident decisions. Furthermore, we discuss best practices for maintenance and storage, helping preserve the performance and reliability of your AED accessories and promoting a heart-safe environment where your AED can function at its best.

Beyond the selection and upkeep of AED accessories, we will also touch upon legal aspects and compliance related to their maintenance. Finally, we showcase the expert support services provided by Restart the Heart, your trusted partner in AED supply and maintenance, to help you create a heart-safe space for all.

By understanding and optimally managing AED accessories, you can contribute to your AED's overall effectiveness and readiness during life-threatening SCA events, ensuring that help is always available for those who need it.

The Role of AED Pads and Batteries

AED Pads: Delivering Life-saving Shocks

AED pads are adhesive electrodes that facilitate the delivery of electric shocks to a victim of SCA. These electrodes detect and analyse the heart's electrical activity, allowing the AED to determine whether a shock is required to restore a normal heart rhythm. The AED will then deliver the appropriate shock through the pads when needed. As such, AED pads are a crucial component of the AED system and must be in optimum condition to ensure effective defibrillation.

AED Batteries: Powering the AED System

Batteries are responsible for providing the energy needed for an AED to function. They power every aspect of the AED, from the initial analysis of the victim's heart rhythm to the delivery of life-saving shocks. Proper battery maintenance and timely replacement are essential to ensure that your AED is always ready for use in an emergency.

Choosing the Right AED Pads

Compatibility with AED Models

One of the first considerations when selecting AED pads is compatibility with your specific AED model. Pads are designed and configured to work optimally with particular AEDs, so choosing pads tailored to your device is essential. If unsure about the appropriate pads for your AED, consult with an expert like Restart the Heart, who can point you in the right direction.

Electrode Size Considerations

AED pads come in different sizes to cater to various patients, including adults and children. Adult pads are more commonly used and designed for people over the age of 8 or those weighing over 25 kilograms. Paediatric pads are available for younger victims of SCA, featuring reduced energy levels to accommodate the specific needs of children. Having adult and paediatric pads on hand is advisable for maximum preparedness.

Selecting the Appropriate AED Batteries

Battery Compatibility

As with AED pads, battery compatibility with your specific AED model is crucial. Batteries come in various types, such as lithium or sealed-lead acid, with differing power outputs and lifespans. Ensure that your selected battery is designed to work with your AED to guarantee optimal performance.

Understanding Battery Lifespan and Power Requirements

Different AED batteries have varying lifespans and power capabilities, which can impact their performance and longevity. Be aware of your AED's battery lifespan and stock spare batteries to avoid running out of power when someone's life is on the line.

Proper Maintenance and Storage of AED Pads and Batteries

Ideal Storage Conditions

To maintain the effectiveness of AED pads and batteries, store them in appropriate conditions, avoiding extreme temperatures, high humidity, or direct sunlight. Most AEDs come with suitable storage options, allowing you to keep the pads and batteries close to the device for easy emergency access.

Routine Checks

Regularly inspect your pads and batteries for any signs of damage or expiration. AED pads have expiry dates – typically around two years from the manufacturing date – which should be tracked and replaced when due. Batteries also require periodic checks to ensure they still hold a charge and can deliver the necessary power during an emergency.

Legal Aspects and Compliance

In Australia, regulations regarding AEDs and their accessories are primarily focused on proper maintenance and readiness of the devices. Safe Work Australia's First Aid Code of Practice advises that AEDs be maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions. Thus, ensuring that your AED pads and batteries are in good working order is integral to staying compliant with Australian safety regulations.

Expert Support from Restart the Heart

For those who are unsure about selecting and maintaining their AED accessories, Restart the Heart offers expert guidance to help you make informed decisions. With a wide range of high-quality AED pads and batteries available, Restart the Heart can assist you in tailoring your AED system to meet the specific needs of your organisation. Furthermore, Restart the Heart offers comprehensive training programs, empowering you and your employees to respond confidently in life-saving situations.


Understanding AED accessories, particularly pads and batteries, is a vital aspect of ensuring a heart-safe environment, as they play an indispensable role in the successful operation of AEDs. By selecting the appropriate pads and batteries, properly maintaining them, and creating a culture of awareness and readiness, you can contribute to the overall effectiveness of your AED during critical emergencies. 

Trust Restart the Heart as your reliable partner in providing expert guidance, high-quality AED accessories, and comprehensive training services, helping your organisation become a heart-safe space for all.